Making a Phone Number clickable for iPhone Users
Are you wondering how to markup a phone number on a website so the iPhone (and maybe other mobiles) can parse the number and make it „clickable“ for the user? The good news is, it is pretty simple as the iPhone’s browser does a good job but on the other hand you have to mind some things otherwise the device can’t detect the number.
WordPress: Auto-Add Short URLs via Plugin
For sure you have seen those crazy new URLs like „“ – those „Short URLs“ became famous with twitter and its 140 Char limit. When clicked, the Short URLs redirect you to the original URL (also called „Permanent Link“). Lately i stumbled upon a nice tutorial on how to ease the process of generating a Short URL for your blog posts. It aims to do this job automatically so the reader does not have to care about it. It’s realised by a „shortcode“ – thats a wordpress feature which allows the author to run some automatic tasks by writing something like:
[sourcecode lang=“php“]